Cold Harbor Family Medicine     –     7225 Hanover Green Drive, Mechanicsville, VA 23111     –     (804) 730-1111

To schedule an appointment please call 730-1111 and one of our receptionists will be glad to help you. Please state the name of the person needing the appointment and the reason. We can then schedule a length of time appropriate for the problem.

Same day appointments are available with your physician for sick and emergency visits. A physician is on call 24 hours a day. Please call as early in the day as possible to secure an appointment. We will make every effort to address your needs as promptly as possible. We no longer schedule patients on a walk-in basis.

If possible, please call at least three to four weeks in advance for a complete physical examination. Please arrive early for your appointment. This is a courtesy to other patients who have later appointments. You should notify us of any cancellations well in advance so another patient may use your time slot. If you are late for an appointment, we may ask you to reschedule your appointment and patients may be charged for a missed appointment that was not cancelled.

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