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Corporate Compliance

In addition to providing high quality healthcare to our patients, Virginia Physicians, Inc. (VPI) is dedicated to maintaining excellence and integrity in all aspects of our operations and our professional and business conduct.

As part of our Corporate Compliance Program, VPI has established a confidential Corporate Compliance Hotline that enables patients, employees, providers, vendors and other parties to report suspected violations of federal and state laws and regulations or other potential compliance issues.

Other potential compliance issues include incidents related to fraud, waste, abuse, inaccurate billing, business ethics, privacy breaches, or conflicts of interest. This list does not include all of the suspected violations that should be reported to the Corporate Compliance Hotline but provides some examples of different types of compliance issues.

Your call can be anonymous or you can leave your name and telephone number if you would like a follow-up call from our Compliance Officer. If an individual opts to remain anonymous, no effort will be made to identify the caller. If individuals choose to provide their name, the report will still be considered confidential and privileged to the legal extent possible.

You will not be retaliated against for reporting, in good faith, any potential compliance, ethics and privacy violations or requesting assistance from the Compliance Officer. All calls will be taken seriously and investigated in a timely manner.

Corporate Compliance Hotline: 804-726-8571 ext. 330.